Sunday, May 1, 2011

Never say Never

2 words will describe my latest obsession... Justin... Bieber!
My friend Virginia and I have been dying to see the movie, so we somehow got our husbands to go with us and my gosh it was worth it. This kid rocks! Seriously, he's incredible! The Lance Bass lover in me came out in full swing during this movie and I felt that I could truly relate to those screaming girls. Michael was making fun of them, but I could honestly understand them. I know how it feels to be SOOO frustrated that you didn't get to meet the love of your life, so all you could do was just scream when you saw him!! SERIOUSLY! I remember going to the NSYNC concert and feeling like my life could never get any better than seeing him up close. So, Beiber lovers, I feel your pain... and I say go for it! Live the dream while you can! Mine came to a screaming halt when I found out that my love (lance bass) also liked boys... shoot.

But seriously, props to J Biebs. This kid has been playing the drums, and WELL, since he was 3. It's incredible. Someone saw him on YouTube and BAM, his talent is now known world wide. It's super fascinating. Anyway, go see the movie. It's pretty awesome. And you better believe I have now purchased his music, and made it my ring tone.

Rock on, Justin Bieber. You're a total hottie and have skills to pay the bills.

P.S- Michael is back to blogging. Check out his view on the movie HERE!


Emily said...

Ha ha, Bella will be happy, she is a Bieber Believer!

Danielle said...

HAH- I love this so much. I totally made fun of Beiber...and then all of a sudden "Baby" came out, and I LOVE THAT FREAKING SONG. Like a lot. Amy and I totally have talked about how we wanted to see the movie. hahaha. Many people might think when they see this post though, "Well Jenni, you know the same thing could happen with Justin that happened with Lance" :) I know Clay would say that...or something like it! :) haha. Anyway- this made me smile. Love you!

Michael Woodmansee said...

Jenni you love JB! nice post.

Danielle... i mean you never do know, maybe he will turn out Lindsey Lohan or Miley Cyrus... but only time will tell, hopefully not.

Jill said...

Oh, Jenni. I remember I was so sad for you when I heard the news about Lance.

You think I can get Darren to see this movie with me? Hmmm...

Carol and Bruce said...

Oh, remember the picture Warner made of you and Lance? Where is that anyway? I'll have to watch the movie or maybe wait till you come to visit, it would be more fun then. He's a cutie though!
We can hope for the best for his future.

Are you bringing your scrapbook home??

Melanie said...

I thought it was hilarious that it took Justin Bieber to get Michael to blog again! I became a fan after watching the movie with Bella too. ( Opening night by the way, with tickets purchased WAY in advance) I think, at least you have to respect he actually has talent. By the way, missed you here and in Las Vegas last week!!


hahah oh jenni, i love you. please always stay true to who you are. Ok danielle and I want to see this movie so bad! I hate that teenagers in teh chruch don't like him. Atleast my ward didn't, and it drove me crazy. But I think my saying that i wanted to see it made a difference ;) hehe. I love that you loved lance so much and then he became gay- love it. I hate bieber haters. love you!

Virginia said...

I came home and blasted JB when I got home from that movie, even though it was like 12:30 am. He's LEGIT. I hope my babies can be that talented... haha. But really... :)