Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Suck

I was tagged by Emilly... a long time ago, and I'm finally completing it! I really want to blog about my week in Vegas, but I'll do that as soon as I get the pictures on my computer. Just know that it ROCKED! Anyway, here we go... This my friends, is 20 REASONS WHY I SUCK! (in no particular order :)

1) I suck because after I see a movie,I totally wish I was in it and live my life for days after wondering why I didn't get to be the main character.
2) I suck because I'm an exercise physiology major and am currently horribly out of shape.
3) I suck because I preach healthy eating, but it is completely out of my power to stay away from chocolate. I cannot give it up.
3) I suck because of my missionary situation. No matter how dumb people say it is, or what the statistics are, or how silly I know it can be- I refuse to let it go.
4) I suck because I no longer have a job, for now :(
5) I suck because I am wayyyyyyy to trusting.
6) I suck because I am incapable of tanning. I'm either white or red.
7) I suck because I'm 21 and still really bad with money... I'm learning :/
8) I suck because I get jealous.
9) I suck because I don't think I've ever left my serving of ice cream uneaten... or my roommates servings for that matter. I just can't let it go to waste.
10) I suck because I have no clue as to what I'm going to do when I graduate... great, right?
11) I suck beacuse when I hear a noise at night, I still get terrified. When I'm at home, sometimes I call or text Steph to see if she heard it too haha!
12) I suck because I really want to paint and I've still never tried it.
13) I suck because I'm pretty positive that I'll suck at painting, but I still want to try just in case I enjoy my crazy paintings!
14) I suck because I know all of the words to both high school musical movies and all the songs and dances and my nieces and nephews mock me for it.
15) I suck because I choose to live in a place where we don't wear coats when it's 35 degrees outside because that is "warm".
16) I suck because when I get going, I tend to talk too much.
17) I suck for because I don't ever cook real dinners.
18) I suck because I spent approximately 3-4 years out of my life insanely obsessed and thoroughly convinced that I would marry a gay man (Lance Bass).
19) I suck because I've always been really good with change and am recently having a hard time saying goodbyes.
20) I suck for some reasons unknown to me because I seem to keep getting roommates who mysteriously hate me for some reason and choose to ignore me for 3 months.

alright- enough of that!! How about we start a tag called 20 reasons why I'm awesome?! that sounds way better for the ol' self esteem haha!


Emily said...

Oh number 18 had me laughing out loud!! You're in college, you're not supposed to cook real dinners. Someday you will. I see no problem with burritos.

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Come back soon!!

*Stephanie Lance* said...

Oh my gosh i hate that suck game! YOU DON'T SUCK!!!!! haha but i thought it was pretty funny because we kind of have the same sucky things! Prolly cuz we're bestest friends!!! I LOVE YOU MALLLL!!!!!!! It's time for you to come back to rexburg! i missssss you oh so badly!!!!!!!

Carol and Bruce said...

A lot of those things are what we love about you! The Lance Bass years were the greatest:)


Ok- that was the worst tag I've ever heard of! That is awful! Did Emily make that up? OK- I loved the lance bass one, I wish I could have been there when you found out he was gay. hahha. I love you. And you don't suck.

Christine said...

So question... how do you know Christi Graham? lol
(she's my cousin)

Anonymous said...

Well said.