Brooke cleaned my teeth! She is in dental hygiene school and I am not kidding when I say it was the best teeth cleaning I've ever had! I seriously almost fell asleep in the chair! She was a total pro. And she didn't ask me stupid questions when my mouth was preoccupied as so many hygienests do. I was so proud of her. Plus, it was only $10 for a cleaning, xrays, and a dental exam! No cavities!
Michael and I got to meet Apollo Ono! Sweet, right?! He came to talk to the accounting program and he was super great. He is quite an amazing dude if you couldn't tell by watching him in the Olympics. I'm a big fan, so it was quite thrilling.
We had a white elephant/dinner christmas party with all our favorites! It was SO MUCH FUN! It's crazy how much fun we have when we get together. Some things never change! There was a lot of laughing and eating, my favorite things. I love these people so much and it was wonderful to spend time with them again.
Merry Christmas!
I"m happy for you that everything is going so good. Danielle and I were just talking last night how it seems like you are really content with life right now. We're happy for you!
So much fun!! I love it! Isn't Christmas the best!!!
Apallo Ono! Are you serious?!!!! Why on earth was he talking to your accounting program!??!!! That is AWESOME!!!!!!!! I would LOVE to meet him. Looks like a fun party. I want to throw a party.
Fun lookin party! I can't believe you met Apollo Ono! I'm just a little confused as to why he was talking to the accounting program?!?! Seems silly! But that's way okay! Love you lots!
Ew finals.
Did Lauren dye her hair? Cute.
Glad things are going well this holiday season, that makes it so happy and fun! Next time I come to Utah can Brooke look at my teeth? I'm pretty sure I have a thousand cavities and no money. And I want to know what it feels like to not have that crazy lady talk for HOURS while she cleans our teeth.
That was so fun to see, you girls are just so cute and I love how you stay in touch. Your guys are cute too! I'm glad you are having fun with Christmas, we are too but yes, like you said tonight you should be coming home this week end. That stinks!
That looks like a fun party! What a great group shot around the tree!
The perks of the accounting program never end! That's so cool that you got to meet Apollo Ono! I wonder what he thought about all those Mormons...
Oh my gosh Jenni- I just had to respond to your comment- so hilarious that you went in your pants- AND- it brought me so much comfort to hear you say that you had it soi much!!!!!! Thankyou for telling me that, because I just have that association now, and so it freaks me out now, but knowing you had it aton, brings me alot of comfort! thankyou!
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