Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Late Night Date

Last night, I had a lovely late night with Harlow. Weirdly enough, I'm not being sarcastic... it was lovely.

Harlow went to bed at 8:15 and woke up whining at 11:45. My first thought was "come onnnnn, you're fine. Go back to sleep pleaseeeeeeeeeee". I checked on her, she was ok, just needed to calm herself down. I talked to Michael and we decided to let her cry. I've let her cry many times and usually I'm ok and she settles down quickly. But last night, I was a mess. I couldn't handle it. I stood in her doorway and watched her try to settle down for what felt like an eternity. She never did.

Michael and I had agreed to let her learn to sooth herself, but this wasn't normal for her, and I just felt that she needed her mama for some reason. I was just standing in the doorway, and seriously- I felt like someone shoved me over to her crib like... what are you waiting for?! So, I snatched her up. When she wakes up for no reason, I'm usually frustrated. But not last night. I was so happy to have her in my arms. I didn't put her back down. I took her out into the living room and we rocked and snuggled until 1:00 AM.

She was wide awake. Just snuggling me and staring at me. It was so wonderful. I was having flashbacks of when she was a newborn and just trying to enjoy that moment because she's already getting so wiggly that she doesn't snuggle me very often. Cheesy? Yes. But it made me emotional and I was crying at how much I love this girl and no matter why she woke up, tummy ache, bad dream, missing her mama... I was happy to help her calm down.

I swaddled her back up, put her in her crib and she woke up happy and smiling at 7:15 AM. It was super weird for her to wake up at that time, so upset. So I took advantage of it. I secretly think she needed me because I needed her :) We were missing each other.

I just wanted to document that moment, and unfortunately I'm terrible at writing in my journal lately, so here it is on my blog.

So thankful for my new job as a mom.


Danielle said...

I am happy you are happy and grateful! You are a lucky girl! And Harlow is so dang cute it would be hard to hear her cry :( Such a sweet story!!! Love you!

Wayne said...

Jenni, you are so cute! Love this experience. With Britt being a senior this year I know how fast these babies grow up and I take every moment I can with Max!!! Love those special late night dates when they just need to be held!!!

Bee Happy Stamper said...

Wayne is Heidi :)

Emily said...

It's nice to have those moments once in awhile, because it's so easy to get frustrated with lack of sleep. Good on ya for embracing it and making it into a good memory.

Carol and Bruce said...

Those late night dates are the best and it is so nice that you are able to be home with her and sneak a little rest in the next day. Glad your were tuned in to her needs and let the schedule go for another day.

Josh and Lauren said...

Oh my goodness, make me cry! That was the most special story ever! She's so darling and I cannot WAIT to see you and her SO SOON!!!!