Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fall is going and Winter is coming!

Some highlights of fall semester :)

ahhh the frozen nose hairs have returned, as have I... to blogging that is. I don't know what came over me. I guess I haven't had anything real siginificant to blog about, since I've been gone for the past 3 weeks here is what you missed.... class, tests, papers, FHE, boys, class, test, papers, and more class. Really, not that exciting trust me! But with fall semester ending and finals, moving and cleaning looming over my head-i wanted to blog!

For those of you who have never lived in rexburg, i just really can't explain the phenomenon of frozen nose hairs. I walked out of the apartment this morning at 7:45am and instantly felt that sensation that could be nothing else than my nose hairs and snot freezing. It's really weird, it feels like you have tons of boogers. So, as I walk up to the taylor building in the 8 degrees below zero weather, my face begins to get numb, which makes it impossible for me to feel the snot running down my face until I actually taste it in my mouth. It really is as attractive as it sounds.

I'm moving and my room is a mess. I have 2 rather large tests I need to study for and the ever so annoying white glove clean check to complete and I just don't know what to do first so I find myself sitting here thinking about it for so long that I actually fall asleep trying to decide what to do first, it's ridiculous!

I've enjoyed this fall semester, ok let's be honest- it's been one of huge adjustments for me. But I've still really enjoyed it. It was my first semester without all my girlfriends that I always live with, and instead 5 strangers (which turned out to be wonderful by the way), first semester without michael, first semester taking hard classes in my major, it was just a crazy one. Steph and I have had a great time, crazy people and all, I think we saved each other... again. Basically, I like change and I'm SO ready for 3 weeks at home and then a new apartment and a new ward and new classes and new everything!!


Danielle said...

Oh Jenni, I completely relate with all that you've said! (except of course the details of roomates and michael) I was laughing out loud when you were talking about nose hairs and snot freezing. The funny thing is...this morning I was walking to school...it takes me a good 10 minutes at least. Well I think it was warm enough for my snot to be chilled but not quite frozen. I kept sniffing up my snot but then I felt this sensation under my nose...I started fearing that snot was freezing under my nostrils and I'd have some huge clump. Well, I really think that happened but it thawed when I got inside. Oh man. I was just too cold to want to deal with it while I was walking. The thing about my face though...It gets so frozen I feel like it's going to fall off. I have often feared touching my ears in fear they will break! I hope that we can see each other before you guys go- I love you and loved the pictures!

Jill said...

I miss a LOT of things about Rexburg, but I can honestly say that I do not miss the freezing of the nose hairs! I remember constantly wiping under my nose with my gloves because I feared my nose was running and then snot freezing on my face. Gross! Thanks for the flashback. You sound like a busy woman. You can make it! Good luck finishing all that crap and I'll see you in a few weeks! Woo hoo!

Jill said...

And whoa, there are a lot of people in that car! It's funny how there's not even room for you and Steph on the sides.

Josh and Lauren said...

I was about to send you hate mail telling you that you BETTER blog SOON! thank you for just reading my mind! :) I love you and am so blessed to have you in my life. :)

p.s. I can just imagine you licking your running nose and being like.."oh sick!" HAHAH!

the splendid life of us... said...

You and Steph are beautiful!

Thanks for the fun update!

Emily said...

Good old frozen nose hairs. I remember walking to astronomy with Michelle and it was 25 below. It only got that cold once while I was there. I feel for you. Just reading your blog made me whole body ache like it used to.

Glad you ended up having a good semester. Glad crazy is gone, and glad you're moving, and glad I get to see you soon!!!

Lindsay said...

ahh college. Fun times! I've never experience frozen nose hairs, but our first winter here in utah i was cutting Danny's hair outside and ran some water through it first and it froze right there on his head before my eyes. Strange. Time to move someplace warmer i think...

Carol and Bruce said...

Can't wait for your visit. You are amazing to keep up with all that has gone on the past few weeks and I am soooooo excited about your new adventure of working at school.


reading your blog just reminds me of being in utah. Ok- the nose hairs- that is so hilarious- I laughed outloud- and told Mike. I hate white glove check!!!!!!! They are so annoying and picky. And it's nice that you'll get a new fresh start in a new ward and classes and apartment- that will be nice. When do you come home?!!! I can't wait to hang out wiht you and Steph! I love you!

Lanette said...

You look gorgeous, Jenni, and I love the frozen snot and nose hair stories! Haha, oh man...the joys of living in cold places, huh? I never would've imagined such things in Oregon.

Megan and Greg said...

Oh yes, I remember washing out friends hair in the tub- and my own. Those were the days. Being young and single is so fun! Danielle has mentioned the nose hair thing. I didn't know that could happen until she told me.

Megan and Greg said...
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Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

great pics! Danielle talks about frozen nose hairs also! Meg makes me take a shower to wash my hair when we do my hair at home. much easier, although it made a great pic! I'm glad it worked out with strange roomates, mine wasn't quite as successful when I was in college. Hope you had a Merry Christmas!