Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Good News!

I've got good news to share with the world today... bunches of it!
First of all, I am completely healthy- YAY!!! That nasty throat business lingered far too long, but I am feeling great!
Second of all, I AM EMPLOYED!! By... DESERET INDUSTRIES!! yes ladies and gents, I work for the D.I. Wait you haven't heard the best part yet, Steph is too!!!! hahahaha it's just too perfect. When she told her dad, he said "what are you 2 going to do when you get married". We both stopped a worried for a second and then just decided that the single one will move in with the married ones :). I am also doing an internship right now, but it's only 3 hours a day and not paid, so this job is going to keep me busy and keep me out of the poor house. I can't even tell you what a blessing it is that I found a job in Rexburg in the middle of a semester. I'm so grateful! Ever since I got hired, I'm so much happier- such a huge relief!! I start on Thursday!

Next, Michael called me on mothers day!!!!!!!!!! I cannot begin to describe to you how wonderful those 10 minutes and 58 seconds were! It was as if we talk on the phone every day or something. Nothing was weird, no silence or awkwardness. We were just best friends again catching each other up on our lives as much as we could in the time we had. He is SO happy and it was just so so great!! I know that everyone has different opinions about missionaries calling their girls, but honestly- i don't care! He was allowed to and we're both happy and everythings going great soooo- yeah!

Also, I have been called as the FHE mom. This may sound lame, but it's totally not! Because here's what I've realized, if you want to have fun at FHE- then it rocks to be the mom because your kind of in control of group unity and whether or not it's fun! For our first FHE we had a cinco de mayo fiesta with delicious food and it was great. Last night we decorated sugar cookies and ate most of them, but gave lots away too. I think it's going to be a great FHE semester which I'm thankful for, because I need a good FHE group because since I'm not taking classes, I won't be meeting people on campus.

AND- I have a car! yayayayayay!! and I LOVE IT! oh the freedom is just amazing!!! I go to the grocery store whenever I want!! I can go pick up steph whenever I want!! I can drive myself to work. I'm sure my roommates appreciate it too. It is so great! And I'm learning a thing or two about budgeting and car payments. THANK YOU MOM AND DAD!

I feel like there is more... I'm sure there is! The sun is shining today and tomorrow we're going to a radical show here in rexburg, so things are going well. :) I'm so blessed!


Emily said...

YAY! That is all such good news! I'm mostly glad that you're not sick anymore! I'm also glad that once again you and Steph will have good stories to share from work. I can't wait for those!

I was totally FHE mom, it's radical, and you're perfect for it. You guys will have tons of fun I'm sure. Glad you're happy and all is well.
Love you tons!!

Ryan and Annalise said...

yay!! i am so happy for all of your good news! i bet it was amazing to talk to your missionary! yay for happiness hahah

Christi said...

I am glad that you are feeling better. Sounds like things are going great!

Danielle said...

That is awesome that you work for the DI! AND steph! That is way fun. Also, great that you got to talk to Michael! I'm glad your FHE group is good- my FHE group when I was in the dorms wasn't that great...hmmmm glad you have fun ones. Anyway- loved the update! Love you!

tiffy said...

Oh Jenni!! I'm so glad that you are so happy!! Working at the DI must be so fun!! I love that you and Steph work there!! Oh and I spotted your cookie first. The peace sign totally gave it away!! HA HA!! I love you!! Just think next summer Mikey will be home!! Oh I can't wait!!!

Carol and Bruce said...

So glad to hear all the good news and especially the feeling better part!

Your group is lucky to have you, I have learned what a difference it makes to have a great FHE leader.

So funny that Dad said the exact same thing when I told him Steph was working at DI too! Good for you because there is nothing better than a good friend for life, I have a feeling you two will find a way to stay close. Good luck on your first day, I hope you love it and I am also looking forward to some good stories, I was going to miss that a lot this Summer because last year was so totally great. It's going to be hard to top Kopectate!

Oops, time for idol. love you!

Anonymous said...

You would be the COOLEST FHE Mom ever! How fun!

OK, and Michael looks a lot like Jim from The Office. I thoughgt it was his hair at first, but I changed my mind. He just does.

And I LOVE DI! How awesome that you and Steph work there. You two will have a blast.

kel said...

Oh jenni! Sounds like you're having a BLAST up here!! I love your peace cookies!! haha you would :) Cute car! And I really am happy for you that Mikey called. I bet that was amazing!!! I'm excited to see you and steph in 6 weeks girl!!!!

Jill said...

Wow, that is good stuff! I'm so happy to hear it all! I didn't think "my missionary" would get to call me, so I wasn't expecting it. But he tried to call and I napped right through it! Argh! Great job with Steph and great car and great calling. You are the best.


Jenni, I'm so glad everything is going so well for you! That's cool you got to talk to michael- and that it wasn't wierd- that woudl have been awful. Ok DI- that is so hilarious- and even better that Steph is working there. It is true what your dad said, I have thought the same thing- "what are they going to do when they get married?" And I kind of feel like you will both have to approve 100% before the other marries their hub- haha- you girls are so funny. I love you. And car?! That is so awesome! That is freakin nice! You are so lucky and awesome for being so responsible! Love you-

Lindsay said...

Please tell me you will post a picture of you in your DI outfit. I think they are like maroon vests or something aren't they? Congrats!