Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Married Life... so far so good!

Michael and I have been married for 1 year! Can you even believe it? I know 1 year isn't that long, but it's just so crazy. I seriously feel like we got married last month. But at the same time, it feels like it's been forever! And it has truly been a fabulous year. Michael and I have been having so much fun. We have worked hard this year, we've been insanely blessed this year, and I can honestly say we've fallen more in love this year.

Michael suprised me with a Park City get away for our anniversary. It was perfect timing. He found us this adorable condo and the suprises just kept coming. It felt like we were back on our honeymoon, which is how I think an anniversary should feel. I never wanted it to end.

In our condo. Park city is such a great town, and the outlet mall isn't bad either! We got michael a pretty smokin hot first day of school outfit. My actual anniversary gift was tickets to Lagoon! We've been wanting to go all summer and it was SO FUN!The slides are giant! It took me a minute to warm up to them. But I eventually got brave and was so glad that I did. Michael was braver-- he went on the really scary slides. michael and I also share a love for roller coasters so we had a blast in the rest of the park as well. We were just like kids! Running around the park, playing, and laughing. It was SUCH a great day! We thought this alley way was very "24 ish", so we felt the need to document our time spent there. There was cool street market downtown on Sunday and we went to check out the live music and yummy food at the farmers market. It was an over all WONDERFUL and romantic weekend and I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I am to have such a fun husband. So-- Happy Anniversary, Mikey! Thanks for a great year and I can't wait for the rest!


Emily said...

That looks like so much fun!!! Wow...you make Steve and I look COMPLETELY boring...I must show him this post at once.

COngrats!! You guys are the cutest.

Megan and Greg said...

I totally laughed at the "24 ish" alley. So funny. Sounds like a great anniversary! I can't believe it's been a year already. That flew by. Ha! I just looked at Emily's comment! The spontaneity and romance DOES fade over time. Not to non-existent, but we've definitely left that "honeymooner" phase. I'm glad you're still in it. It's the best.

Danielle said...

teehehhe- yeah. I feel like a boring couple too. But that looks so fun! I'm glad you guys are so happy.

Lanette said...

The 24ish alley made me laugh too! Happy Anniversary! You guys are such an awesome couple.

Courtenay Beth said...

Cute, YEAH for 1 year celebration, the first of MANY! What a fun anniversary, you guys are so cute!

Sarah said...

What a great husband you have! Looks like a blast...but Park City always is :) Love the kissy picture. So cute!

Carol and Bruce said...

What? Park City AND Lagoon! You are spoiled! He told me about Lagoon and I thought that was awesome enough. So glad you had a great time and hope you keep working hard to make every anniversary special. The year really has gone by so fast, it was a very fun time and I like thinking back on it.

I'll never forget the day Sadie MADE me go down that water slide, we had Darren and Chad with us, I was petrified but once I did it, I loved it. She was always so good at making me step out of my comfort zone.

Anonymous said...

I love the last photo! Well done!


so happy for you guys- and you're right- that alley totally looks 24ish- amazing. isn't it crazy how fast the time flies?

Jill said...

Wow, a year already? Congrats! Sounds like you celebrated well and are seeing the great things my home state has to offer. :) You know, I can't count how many times I've been to Lagoon, but I've never been to the water park. I love the rides too much. But way to be brave on the big slides!