Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I hate when a fun week ends. But fun it was!

What a Happy Thanksgiving INDEED! Michael and I were lucky enough to go down toVegas for the 3rd Thanksgiving this year. We are so thankful to them for always welcoming us. And BONUS-- Mom & Dad met us there this year! It was so fun! It was so wonderful to spend a week with family and eat and laugh and just enjoy. I have tons of pictures to share, but first I want to share what I am thankful for and what I loved about our fun week!

I'm Thankful For:
  • My husband. He is so kind. I've honestly never met such a kind, giving person.
  • Our baby girl. I'm so thankful that she moves all day, everyday to keep me company.
  • My family. They bring be SO much happiness!
  • My friends. Since a was a child I've been blessed with the best friends. You all know who you are and I love you to pieces.
  • The Rogers opening their home to us for the week and entertaining us.
  • The Graham's for opening their home to us and feeding us delicious food.
  • My apartment, my car, my job, Michael's schooling & job.
  • We are tremendously blessed and I could go on forever.
Our Week:
  • I must say, my favorite thing was probably Carly's LOVE for Michael. Every couple of minutes I would hear "Where Michael?". They were the best of buddies and it was so adorable!
  • I am SOOOO thankful that my sister is pregnant at the same time as me. It feels so good to have someone with my similar personality who understands me so well! We did baby crafts and bought baby clothes and felt our babies move and did a lot of talking about babies and it was awesome!
  • My parents rock. My mom even black fridayed with us at midnight! They spoiled us pregnant girls! And there is really never a dull moment with them. We just have so much fun together!
  • Emily & Steve took us to the cactus gardens all lit up with Christmas lights and I just LOVE that festiveness!
  • It was WARM! SO WARM! We were out on black friday and I was not cold. What a blessing before the terrible Utah winter hits.
  • Easton was upset because he wanted to play The Incredibles, but he doesn't have their action figures. SO, we used our imaginations and made our own action figures out of cardboard. It was so fun and so cute! We played with them all day and I'm afraid that now Em & Steve are stuck making lots of guys out of cardboard. I love that boy so much and seeing him at Kindergarden brought tears to my eyes.
  • Carly is the most beautiful 2 year old ON. THE. PLANET. I can't count how many times I said it. I love her so much. Her voice and her thoughts and her ideas are so precious.
  • I could go on forever. I'm sad it's over and we had so much fun!! Thanks, Rogers!!



Emily said...

Oh man it was so much fun!!! You guys don't even know how helpful it is to have you around. My kids love you! I love the cardboard guys!!! Next on the list are power rangers. We're never going to have to spend money on another action figure!

Thanks for coming again, I'm not looking forward to when you won't be close enough to come. :( I look forward to it all year!

Love the picture of Carly feeling your baby move!!!

Love you so much!

Chad and Jessica said...

So FUN!!!

That's awesome you guys are preggers together. That happened with Lindsay and I, it was great. Just so nice to have someone in the SAME situation, at the same time.

I love the cardboard incredibles. SO cool.

What a great week. Thanks for sharing!

Carol and Bruce said...

Your pictures are so good and I love those action figures, what a great idea. That was such a fun time, thanks for letting us crash your Thanksgiving party. It's almost as fun to look back on it as to live through it. Can't wait to see you SOON!

Michael said...

Thanksgiving was fun, and always is with Emily and Steve. Plus Easton and Carly are the bomb!

great pictures babe, I your the best wife there ever could be.

*Stephanie Lance* said...

I hate when a fun week ends, too! SO glad you guys got to go and that you had such a fun time! You pregnant girls are so so so CUTE!!! I love your little belly's and your little babies!!! Love you!! BRING ON CHRISTMAS!!!!! Yahoooo!!!!