I am truly blessed to have been raised by such a loving woman. Sometimes, I don't know how she put up with me and all of us, but she did and still does. She is everything I want to be in a wife, woman, and mother. I love you, mom :) Wish I was with you today!
Yesterday was jam-packed for us and we enjoyed every minute of it. We started off bright and early to get up and get ready for our 5k run. We had such a great time! When we got there, and saw all the legit runners and cross country teams, we were a little scared! And I think Michael started to get a little nervous about his goal of winning. But once we got jogging it didn't matter, it was fun. I'm sorry to inform you that Michael did not win first place. I think first place was something ridiculous like 16 minutes. There were over 200 participants and Michael came in 14th with a time of 21 minutes! Not bad, huh?! I, on the other hand... took 33 minutes. :) But I'm satisfied with that. I was well in the top half of runners haha. I'm slow, always have been, always will be. It's ok though, because I still had energy left at the end and could have kept going, we'll definately do another, possibly a 10k next! Who wants to join us???
Steph and Jarom are the best! They were there at the finish line waiting for us to cheer us on. It was fun! Afterwards we all stayed and listened to the live music, had some free breakfast, and just enjoyed the atmosphere. Michael has decided that his entry fee was totally worth it, we got free jambas and a t-shirt which he sported around town all day.
We had so much energy from the fun of being involved in an experience like that. It was great! It carried us all day. And we needed it because yesterday was Brooke's 24th birthday! Wahoo! I will let the pictures do the explaining. Good food, games, and getting a little too silly once it started getting late.
Thanks Jenni for your kind words and expression of love on Mother's Day. I love you too and you have been a joy from day one.
That was quite the wild birthday party! I'm so glad you still have those girls around you to enjoy life with.
Oh, and when did Stephy cut her hair? It looks great!
I am still just utterly jealous. :( But... I'm SO glad you had SUCH a stellar day!!!! and yes-Happy Birthday to Brooke! I can't believe 24 is the next age for us all! CRAZY!!!
Oh man. You guys are silly.
You guys are AMAZING for running that marathon! I can't believe it! I can't even imagine doing that. How crazy cool. Way impressed. Love you!
Love it! Looks like good times! Way to go on the race, you guys rock!
Oh my gosh those pink undies. Hilarious! So you guys are runners, huh? Something I'll never understand. I would never run that long on purpose. The most not fun thing I could ever imagine. But hey, I'm glad it gave you such a high! The longest I ever ran- 3 miles- gave me the biggest high ever. I remember it was amazing. You and your friends were so cute dancing. You're all so young and fit.
Yay!!!! I love everything about this post. Your mom rocks and we also rock :) Such a fun night, I love you girls!
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