Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Latest and Greatest Addition to the 4-Plex

First of all, I need to blog about this perfect angel. Evelyn Hope Lance.
Courtenay took these beautiful pictures of her the other day! It was soo fun to watch her be the best model for Aunt Courtenay. Evelyn is so beautiful and perfect in every way. Seriously. I mean SERIOUSLY. I cannot get enough of her. I'm just kind of sitting here at my computer, waiting for words to come, but there are none. I mean- just look at that face. That says it all. I am SO SO SO grateful that she lives just down the stairs. Every time I go outside for any reason, to get in my car, throw something in the dumpster, etc, I just feel the NEEEEEEEED to go see her. I feel that need right now actually, but I'm waiting patiently for Steph & Jarom to finish eating dinner. :) The point is. I miss her when I'm up here! Real bad! I've barely even heard her make a peep. She is just perfect.

Speaking of Steph and is so fun to watch them be parents. They are clearly naturals. Everything seems to come so easily to them. And it is SO obvious to see how much they love that baby girl. The whole thing is surreal. Seeing my best friend have her first baby! I feel like Evelyn is just visiting, but at the same time, I feel like she's always been here! I guess it's because we're the same age, and I know that I'm next. So everything is so real and hits home. It's crazy. And wonderful.

I swear my baby kicks up a STORM when I am holding Evelyn. I like to think she is saying hi :)

We had a really fun Halloween Party last night, where Evelyn was the star of the show! I'll post about that soon!


Courtenay Beth said...

Sweet post Jenni, and I have to say ditto to everything, you are lucky you are just up the stairs from that bundle of sweetness!

Your turn will be here before you know it, and you'll be so good at it!

Evelyn is lucky to have her aunt jenni so close!

Emily said...

She's so cute!! I would be wanting to see her all the time too.

Danielle said...

So sweet. She is SO CUTE! I saw your pics on facebook and you were SO CUTE with your baby skeleton girl on your belly :) Loved it. I am dying with all these adorable babies. I am so excited for yours to come! Love you :) :)

Carol and Bruce said...

Yes, very sweet post. I'm glad you are so in love with Evelyn and that you are handy and can see her when ever you want and can be helpful to Steph. Those pictures are to die for, she is just so beautiful and she looks like a really peaceful baby. Can't wait to see her myself.

Michael said...

wow those pictures look great jenni!! ;) ;) that Halloween party was fun.

Jill said...

Ooh, i love her too! What a gorgeous baby. And Steph's so lucky to have such a good friend so close by!