Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most crazy things with.
Honestly, I really don't do that many crazy things. Is that sad? I don't think so. Instead of "crazy" things, I am known for doing silly, maybe somewhat stupid, funny things. But when I think back on my life, the times when I do the most ridiculous things, things that I'm glad nobody had a camera, I was with these 2 ladies. Steph and Whit. I blame them. Believe it or not, I claim to be the one in control and in touch with reality, but these 2 get together and there silliness bounces off of each other and is contagious!! I won't lie though, there are many times when I start the nonsense. That's pretty much why we've all gotten along so well for so long. Ladies... what rings a bell as I write this is... Harriet :)
I'm having a flashback of a home video I saw when I was a new member of the Jolley family of these three girls performing a very silly talk show. It was hilarious! I love all three of you.
Ha ha cute.
Ditto. I love you three!
Ha ha haha oh man! There are SO many memories that come to mind! Fun times! We need to get together again! Wish we were going to Oregon in the summer! :( Love you guys!
Oh my sweet sweet JJ...
This instantly put a smile on my face. I love you girls so much! I dont think the two of you understand how much I miss being minutes away from you guys!
After I read this post the memory that came to mind is when you were leaving super early to head back Idaho and you were trying to get your beauty sleep when steph and i got the giggles on the bunk bed... Pretty sure you wanted to rip our vocal cords out... hahahahaa
miss you and love you both!I am so blessed to have you two as my best friends.
Ahhh, yes those videos, thank goodness for them. I miss you three and all the sillyness that went on around here.
That picture is beautiful of all of you. Why have I never seen it before. Talking about beautiful skin!
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