Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.
My SKIN! I already posted about how much I hate my acne, but it's not just that... my skin in general is AWFUL. Second to my face, is my legs. My poor, poor legs suffer so much. The 1st picture was hilarious/so painful. I was at loon lake with Steph and Kelly and since I know my own skin so well, I was lathering on sun screen every 30 minutes. Somehow, I missed a PERFETCLY outlined stripe. seriously, look at it real close, my leg has a perfect racing stripe sun-burned into it. It was incredibly flattering. The second picture is from when we first moved to Utah and I itched myself to pieces because of all the dry skin and rashes. By the way, that continues to this day. It is not as bad, but I go through more Aveeno lotion that anyone you know, I promise. I must have moisture on my skin at all times or I will be up all night itching. This is the one reason I LOVE WINTER, because I never have to show my legs! EVER! It's a beautiful thing. When summer rolls around, I get so insecure and opt for the long flowey skirts as much as possible. So, if you ever see me in shorts or a skirt, just don't glance at my legs because my heart will start racing and I will start hating myself :) thank you very much!
You're still having problems with your legs?!?! Oh Jenni I'm so sorry, that is so not fair. What a pain.
Maybe if you move to Vegas they will get better?
Jenni, this Summer we have to concentrate on trying find someone who can help you with this. I read something that made me wonder if your condition is even acne or something else. That looks so miserable.
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