Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 21 of the 30 Day Challenge

Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget.

The feeling I felt after eating the Big Judd. The Big Judd is a 1 pound, GIANT hamburger. When you eat it, you get your picture on the wall in the Archer, Idaho. Totally worth it. It was on my list of goals before I left Rexburg. Don't get me wrong, I would do it again in a heartbeat because I am so proud to have accomplished it. But, I will never forget that filthy taste of ground beef by the time I got to the last 1/4 pound and then the terribly nauseating feeling after. Seriously, every time I eat a hamburger to this day, I can barely finish just because that taste brings back the feeling of disgust. I wish I could forget that greasy, gritty feeling while eating that ginormo hamburger so that I could again eat a hamburger in peace.


Emily said...

But I'm so proud. I don't know if I could have done it. But I do love big judds!!

Josh and Lauren said...

I never ever made it there... what the heck?! Congrats to you, though!

Danielle said...

Deary me. Those things gross me out major! That is quite the feat!

tiffy said...

HAHA Gross Jenni!! Really gross!!

Carol and Bruce said...

I was just telling someone the other day that you did that, now I have proof. I'm super proud of you! It will make for a good object lesson someday. If you cut that thing up, it looks like it would be about 6 burgers.