Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget.
The feeling I felt after eating the Big Judd. The Big Judd is a 1 pound, GIANT hamburger. When you eat it, you get your picture on the wall in the Archer, Idaho. Totally worth it. It was on my list of goals before I left Rexburg. Don't get me wrong, I would do it again in a heartbeat because I am so proud to have accomplished it. But, I will never forget that filthy taste of ground beef by the time I got to the last 1/4 pound and then the terribly nauseating feeling after. Seriously, every time I eat a hamburger to this day, I can barely finish just because that taste brings back the feeling of disgust. I wish I could forget that greasy, gritty feeling while eating that ginormo hamburger so that I could again eat a hamburger in peace.
But I'm so proud. I don't know if I could have done it. But I do love big judds!!
I never ever made it there... what the heck?! Congrats to you, though!
Deary me. Those things gross me out major! That is quite the feat!
HAHA Gross Jenni!! Really gross!!
I was just telling someone the other day that you did that, now I have proof. I'm super proud of you! It will make for a good object lesson someday. If you cut that thing up, it looks like it would be about 6 burgers.
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